Inside the Tiny Book

The tiny book holds the message "It is all just tiny little experiments" followed by a cartoon story:

  • it storms and a seed is watered
  • the sun returns
  • a flower blooms
  • a bee pollinates the flower
  • more flowers bloom in its path

What I want to share most with the world is the belief in big dreams: taking ideas that won't let you go seriously and giving them a home. 

The ability to dream up big ideas is a wonderful thing and also can be paralyzing when the current material reality does not match with the vision of what could be. 

I can get overwhelmed by the boundlessness of possibility and the reality that bodies hold so much power. Human, animal, plant, water bodies, etc. all hold incredible amounts of power. 

Bodies are conduits and integrators of ethereal and terrestrial power sources. Tapping into the current and directing it to a destination is something we all have access to.

Tiny, tangible steps help remove the resistance, to allow the current to flow from source to destination, over and over again.


I made this Tiny Book as a practice to prove to myself that I could physically make a book, any book, to gain the confidence to move forward on a more challenging book project. 

Through the process of making Tiny Book: iterating, experimenting, testing, making mistakes, and solving problems, it's become a symbol of materially believing in dreams-- in taking tiny steps over and over again and trusting that they do add up.

It's a process, it's a process, it's a process. 

The PROCESS of creating dreams is what excites me most and I'd be so happy to play a tiny role in yours. 

I am offering a 20-minute TANGIBLE NEXT TINY STEP CALL to the first 10 people who buy The Tiny Book.

You share your big dream to a safe and supportive receiver and I offer the next tangible step to take to materially face the creative block in the process.

Purchase The Tiny Book (+free next step call)









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